Died by torture in Sulaimania
June 2004
Ismail Ahmad, Known by Aram Kuestani was a member of Islamic Movement in Kurdistan, a legitimate Islamic party in Iraqi Kurdistan was arrested by Asaysh (secret police) of Sulaimania in Kurdistan. The Asaysh said he was suspected to be an Ansar Al- Islam member, but this was false. After few days his body was sent back to his relatives and Aram's father things he might be dead due to torture because the Asaysh ordered the relatives of Aram not to remove the shroud (note: the shroud is funeral cloth covers the body of the dead and this is done by the relatives and not by the police! ) and threatened whoever removes it (Hawlati newspaper). According to an eye witness  there was a small hole in Aram's head and was the trace of a nail being knocked in his head.  Aram’s father demanded from Jalal Talabani to investigate this case and realize the Justice but so far nothing is done.

Died by torture in Erbil
June 2004
 Usama Chamchamali, an Islamist Kurd of the town of Chamchamal, west of Sulaimania was arrested in Erbil. his body was send back later to Chamchamal. Usama was one of 6 detainees who were sent from a jail in Erbil to the horrible jail of Aqra. One there way it is said that the cover went into the river and all men died while the driver and the guards were safe. People of Erbil do not blieve that it was an accident and now are joking and saying to each other: Don't talk about Democratic Party (Party of  Barzani)lest you drown in Qandil water.More details later

Security police in Sulaimania warns Islamic bookshops
June 2004
Security police (Asaysh) in Sulaimania shut two Islamic bookshops and two shops selling Islamic cassettes. The Asaysh ordered those shops not to sell unlicensed books and cassettes. It is noteworthy that many unlicensed book, are sold in other bookshops, some of them blasphemous and isulting Islam but the Asaysh is not concerned about them! 

Hulago back again in Erbil
About 13:30 AM 4/5 Jan. 2005, the American forces besieged the quarter of Saidawa in Erbil, the Kurdish capital in Kurdistan/Iraq on the pretext of existence of an alleged "terrorist" in the quarter. The helicopters, supported by aircrafts, started firing the quarter using heavy guns, and finally a missile from one of the helicopters hit students' house, in which about 130 Salahaddin university lives, injuring some of them and setting fire in the building. The American solders did not allow the Kurdish police force to stay near the area. The Kurdish authorities condemned the crime and the Minister of Interior denied the existence of "terrorists" in the quarter, while the whole of the population ill-favored the crime. The is the manner the American treating the Iraqis in the middle and south; just a small suspect and only one "terrorist" are considerable reason to burn whole quarters to ashes. Americans are acting worse than Ghenghis Khan and his Mongol hordes, and especially Hulago, who killed hundreds of thousands in Baghdad after entering it (13th century). The new crime in Erbil reminds us with Hulago when conquered it. PICTURES

Duhok 2003
Deputy of chief of KDP center in Duhok city called Ja’far killed a man of a the notable tribe Doski .KDF did not arrest the killer, so the tribe threatened the authorities that they will all join KDP’s rival party, PUK if the man is still free and walks in front of their eyes. Afterwards he was arrested.

Erbil 2004
Naif Asooda, a famous Islamic singer in Erbil was arrested since 1 June 2004. He is the manager of an internet café. It is thought that this perhaps has to do with the intention of the authorities to control on internet cafés . It is said in Erbil that KDP put a man of its intelligence office called Parastin in each internet café.

Erbil 2004
After Feb. 1st 2004 bombings in Erbil, the authorities raids on quarters and searching houses. One of the “ evidences” to make one arrested and be charged is finding the Islamic newspapers “Komal” and ‘Yakgirtu”; both licensed, and Islamic cassets of famous and honored religious men in Erbil.

Mulla Sherzad is free again
Mulla Sherzad is the most famous Mulla in Erbil and people liked his Friday speech much. He is so popular that one of the conditions of girls who married was that M.Sherzad be present in the ceremonies and talk to the people. M.sherzad was arrested in 17 Dec. 2003 though was accused of nothing. His arrest caused the angry of people and finally the Mullas of Erbil demanded in June 2004 form PM of KDP government to release him and got his promise, nevertheless he was set free after one month. The authorities forbid M.Sherzad from Friday speech for three years before arresting him.